CHAT - Children Harmed By Alcohol Toolkit

Megan’s Story

My Mum and her boyfriend used to drink all the time.

Their drinking really affected me. I didn’t get a lot of sleep and I didn’t really go out or have a lot of friends. I wasn’t eating properly because there was never any food in the house.

I felt like I had no one to talk to. It was horrible.

I started getting into trouble at school. I was a bully.

I guess I wanted to make other people feel bad like me.

After a while I told my social worker, my gran and my brother what was happening at home.

Things are starting to change and it’s much better now.

I also started going to a club for young people like me. It’s been really good and I’ve got more friends and there are people there I can talk to.

I still see my Mum. She’s getting better.

If there are other people out there who feel like me, I would say to them, never give up and to keep strong and tell someone and it’ll get better.